World Data File
This file is used by the Time program to save data about new or modified countries and cities. It is usually located in C:\System\Data and called WLD_DATA.DBW.
Note that simply changing this file does not change the data within the Time program; a soft reset should do the trick, though.
The World Data File starts with a Header Section which contains:
Offset Size Data Description
0000 ID 46 00 00 10 UID1: World Data File
0004 ID 00 00 00 00 UID2: Unused
0008 ID 00 00 00 00 UID3: Unused
000C L F1 E7 5A 04 UID4: Checksum of UID1, UID2 and UID3
The remaining file is structured as follows:
Size Data Description
L 01 00 00 00 Marker to start the city section
LListE World Data City Section
L 00 00 00 00 Marker to start the country section
LListE World Data Country Section
World Data City Section
This is an LListE.
City section elements are structured as follows:
Size Description
String New city name
String New country name
String Original city name (empty string if this is a new city)
String Original country name (empty string if this is a new city)
8B City data
String Area code
The city data is very compact, probably to save space:
Start End Description
0000 bit 0 0001 bit 0 Horizontal map position (left=000, right=17b)
0001 bit 1 0001 bit 2 Unused?
0001 bit 3 0002 bit 7 Latitude in minutes (South is negative)
0003 bit 0 0003 bit 7 Vertical map position (top=00, bottom=cf)
0004 bit 0 0005 bit 6 Longitude in minutes (East is negative)
0005 bit 7 0007 bit 1 GMT offset in minutes
0007 bit 2 0007 bit 3 Summertime zone (0=none,1=europe, 2=northern, 3=southern)
0007 bit 4 0007 bit 7 Unused?
Longitude, Latitude and GMT offsets are encoded as Signed Integers,
World Data Country Section
This is an LListE.
Note that if you change the name of a country, all its cities are also put into the World Data City Section.
Country section elements are structured as follows:
Size Description
String New capital city name
String New country name
String Original country name (empty string if this is a new country)
String National code
String National prefix
String International prefix